Saturday, February 06, 2010

Snow Closings and Couples Class

I’m actually sitting at my drawing table writing this, working on a project that is coming up on a year overdue!

Looking out the window in my office, all I see is white! we have had about 28” of snow so far, and the weather services are calling for anywhere from 4 to 8” more before the evening is over.

We currently have a snow drift of about 6’ between our house and garage. The boys and their cousin Jamie have been out several times today. My sister and her son are staying with us through the blizzard, her husband drives a snow plow for the county. I have not been outside. Don’t plan on it until tomorrow when the wind dies down.

100_1643Snow drifting off my roof, 1:00 Saturday Afternoon 

Sooo…. I made the call to cancel services tomorrow. Hate to do it, but I don’t see Creswell Rd. being cleared in time.

If you are one of those who were looking forward to our couples class, don’t fear. Patty and I have decided to push the whole series back one week, so no one will miss anything.

Gentlemen, Remember that next Sunday is Valentines Day. That means Saturday you should have already gotten the flowers, candy or…other presents… ready so you can treat your wife like the lady she is. Don’t fail on this one! Especially if you are fighting! NO better way to patch things up than to swallow your pride, give her a gift and declare yourself wrong (even if your not… go read First Corinthians 6:7b… if that's how we treat those hurting us, why don’t we do it for the ones we love?) Besides, making up is a lot more fun than fighting… and its better for your health.


So here is the tricky part….

Patty and I want to take part of our last class (which will now be held the first Sunday in March) and answer questions you may have about marriage. There will be a box in the back of the auditorium, but since we are missing a week, I thought I would open up the questioning on the blog.


Leave a comment to this post, and ask your question for our couples class. If its an embarrassing question, leave it anyway and mark it “anonymous” when you leave your signature. Even I cannot tell who its from if you leave it in this way. I want you to feel like you can be totally honest, so please leave your questions here. I will do my best to copy and delete them as soon as they are posted, and answer all the questions during the last couples class.

In the meantime, have a happy snow day. Make some soup. Read your Bible. Stay warm.
