It’s April 1st. My wife’s favorite day of the year. If you know my wife, you can just imagine the torture I am experiencing today.
In past years she has pulled various practical jokes on me on this day.
Once she let my dresser drawer be depleted all week of underwear until, on April 1st, I only had one pair in the drawer, which I found out later that day had the fly sewed shut.
On another occasion she waited until I went to bed, then her and the boys filled the bathroom with balloons. Floor to ceiling. I woke up at 5am, needing to be on the road by 6 for a meeting that morning, and I couldn’t open the door of the bathroom for the balloons.
She has kept EPT (pregnancy) test sticks from our children, and years later ran out of the bathroom screaming, showing me the blue + sign.
One year she got everyone in the church, visitors included, involved. When I excused the children for children’s church, everyone got up and walked out the back door!
The king of all April Fools jokes, though, was the year of the Rat Trap. I won’t go over all of it here, but it involved a SET rat trap, my bed, and the distinct possibility that if the trick had gone wrong, we would be as infamous as John and Lorena Bobbit.
I am thankful, though, to spend my life with someone so full of life. Patty keeps me young, or at least on edge.
My life is rarely dull.
This year she has decided to go with multiple small jokes instead of one big joke.
I woke up this morning to garlic powder and salt on my toothbrush. Toothpaste on the bathroom door handle. The tub shower handles removed. The kitchen sink sprayer taped on so when I turned on the faucet I was sprayed in the stomach. There was a “House For Sale” sign in my yard with my cell phone number on it (I live in the church parsonage!).
And to show the total commitment she has to her cause, Patty put dish liquid soap on her tongue, and then kissed me.
I really need your prayers…
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