Tuesday, May 14, 2013

18 and counting... but differently!

It's been two months, yes, two months since my last post. I've had several posts in mind. Several articles on topics upon which I would like to comment. But procrastination hit again and I "never got around to it" once more.

Last time I talked about my son Luke turning 18.

Today I would direct your eye to the sidebar which says, today, "I've lost 18 pounds using MyPlate." Click on the link. Go ahead. You won't regret it, unless you want to stay the same forever. Most of us in this day of processed, fast, and pre-packaged food could stand to loose a few pounds. I can. That's why when my friend Barry Secrest told me he had lost over 50 lbs using this site, I decided to check it out. Its from LiveStrong, Lance Armstrong's foundation, that he is no longer involved in I guess. It is FREE... and like my good friend Roger Boguski likes to say, "free is better than cheap!"

I started using the site April 8. Its easy to do. Create a user name, password, and set up your profile. Height, weight, age, activity level, etc. Then how much you would like to loose per week. I'm set up for 2 lbs a week, but I'm averaging well over 3, almost 4 lbs a week.

Basically the site works like a Weight Watchers Journal, just online and FREE. You enter what you ate (almost any restaurant and thousands of brands of food are in the database) and the site calculates calories and takes it away from your daily total. Oh, and when you loose, your daily total drops. I started out with 1,884 calories a day. After loosing 18 lbs, I am only allowed 1,749 per day. BUT... walk, run, lift some weights, do some yard work... it all counts as exercise you can enter, and calories you burned are added to your daily intake.

I am walking 4.5 miles every morning Monday through Friday. I get  a little over 800 extra calories to eat each day I do this, and I STILL LOOSE WEIGHT. I'm down more than a full pant size, hoping to go down one more by June. My energy level is much higher, my blood pressure is now almost too low. I'll have to talk to my Doc about reducing  or removing some or all of my BP medications.

I weighed 280 lbs on April 8. I weigh 262 this morning. Another week or so and I should be in the 250's. I haven't been that light since 2005.

I'll keep the widget up on this site, and you can check it and keep me in prayer. Unfortunately I have had to keep my "comments" disabled due to heavy spam. If you wish to communicate about what you read here, drop me an email at revbaptist@gmail.com or tweet me @revbaptist

If you need to drop some weight, do it. Don't talk about it and then eat a piece of cake. Just get on track and stay there. I quit eating wheat last July, you can find posts about it in the archive. I am still wheat-free for reasons stated in my previous posts. But I'll tell you a little secret: even if you don't buy my reasoning for staying away from modern, genetically modified wheat, dropping it from your menu is still one of the best good health actions you can take. Why? Because when you cannot eat wheat-cake, cookies, Twizzlers (yep, they are made of wheat) and ton's of other foods that only make you fat are off limits. I have not had a single piece of cake, a cookie, a doughnut, or a snack with modern wheat in it for what will soon be one year.
Makes it easy to stay on track when all that junk is not an option.

Proverbs 23:20, 21...Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.

1 Corinthians 3:16, 17...Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

Also pray that I return to a regular schedule blogging. This is good for me.

'Till Jesus Returns,